Tuesday, August 17, 2010

New Developments In My Oh So Exciting World

YAY for me! I'm officially a student again! I got in one of the two classes needed to finish my B.S. and am taking an education to get my feet wet a little before hitting it hard with my master's. It looks as if I SHOULD be able to start that next summer and if all goes well, COULD be done by the end of summer 2012. Roll tide to that!!!! I'm so excited to be back in school! I also have a job interview soon for a position in Tuscaloosa. If that works out, I'm hoping to be able to convince the parents to let me move back to T-town by offering to pay some of the bills. It seems like life might be getting back to normal soon. Not to mention then amazing convenience of only being 30 minutes away from Joshua as opposed to 2 hours! Life is shaping up for sure! Prayers are being answered for sure!

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